Monday, October 28, 2013

Midterm Video 10A

Over the past month, I have been working endlessly on my midterm video.  I feel as though I deserve at least a B for my work.  My video was on the academic support here at Southern.  As I learned through this video, it is a very dry topic.  There’s not much to it and I felt as though it was hard to be creative with it.  I have yet to be in a situation where I have needed to go to outside sources for help academically so I didn’t think I was really qualified to be talking about this topic.  However, I did my best.  If I were able have more time to edit it, I would definitely make it more engaging. Next time I definitely would have planned out how I was going to do it before I sat down to execute that plan.  It was hard to get into, but now looking back if I had made it more relatable to me being someone who doesn’t know anything, I think I could have had more fun with it.   I admit it’s a little boring and not much to it.  I would definitely try to have a story line go along with it rather then it just be informative.
I really tried to pick out music that would be relatable because in the end when someone feels connected to the music they automatically will stay interested for longer.  I should have planned out a better conclusion.  I was at a loss of how to end it, so I just tried to not leave any loose ends. Next time to make it more interactive, I would go to the different resources and ask those who work there questions and include those.  I feel as though that would make it a lot less to read and a lot less dry. 

Although, I feel as it was not my best work, I learned a lot about the program and now know what I could do next time to make it a lot more interactive. 

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