Friday, September 13, 2013

Good, Bad or Neither? 3A

"There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so" – Shakespeare. There is nothing good or bad in the world, it’s all in our minds.  The only thing that sets apart from wild animals is the fact that we are able to rationalize and make proper decisions.  Animals only know things based on instinct and because they don’t have the ability to think, there is nothing that is classified as good or bad to them.  We, as humans, are able to say something is good and bad only because we have the mind to do it with. 
            Extrinsic motivation is when there is motivation, but only because of a reward such as, money. This quote relates to this because many times we think of whether something is good or bad based on the reward or consequence that comes with it.  Intrinsic motivation is when the motivation comes from the inside, not based on the results.  I think when people are motivated to learn, sometimes people then overthink things, making something that is usually a good thing something bad. In the article, How Can Teachers Develop Students' Motivation -- and Success?, they made it an important point to keeping a balance“…Keeping a balance between valuing learning and performance,” is hard when you’re so used to focusing on the result. I think life needs to be less about the result and more about the process. This quote makes you think that it something is good when you have a balance.
            Growth mindset is when you have the idea that you can always learn more.  You take it upon yourself to learn even when it becomes challenging and almost painful to do.  Having a growth mindset is something that you have to practice in order to have.  It takes a lot of internal motivation to have to drive to always want to learn the most out of everything because it isn’t an easy thing to do.  I think this quote relates to a growth mindset because most of the time when you are thinking deeply into things, you are having a growth mindset.  Having a fixed mindset is when you are not willing to expand your mindset and so you are more reluctant to learn. 
            There is nothing that is classified as good as bad.  It’s our minds and our experiences that determine whether something is good or bad, it’s an opinion.  This past weekend, my grandma and I got into kind of an argument because of gay rights.  I have grown up thinking that being gay is not a bad thing, and to accept people as they are.  My grandmother however, has grown up thinking being gay is wrong and a sin.  The only reason we have an opinion on gay rights being good or bad is because we have both thought about it and formed our opinions.  Without thinking this would be impossible.



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