Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Staying Relaxed 14A

It’s becoming to be that time of the semester where planning and time management is crucial.  I have been swamped with lots of work that needs to be done, and at the end of it all, there are finals.  It’s all very stressful but when you take a little time during the week to recharge, it makes all of the difference.  This past week I have been taking time to catch up on some sleep and hang out with my friends after I get some work done.  I feel I should relax while I can before it gets too crazy.  To relax before starting to prepare for finals, I went and go a manicure and pedicure with a friend for a final little hoorah.  To start preparing, I went and made a study schedule for the finals I have.  I realized that I don’t have a final in my Media in Everyday Life class, so I didn’t have to incorporate that into my schedule, however, I had to plan for a presentation and a paper in that class.  To try and get ahead, I planned out my paper and started writing it.  Starting things ahead of time will help make later much much easier.  I know being stressed is inevitable, but getting ahead will help ease the stress.  I want to feel prepared for the end of the semester and I think sticking to the schedule I made up will help with that.  Although my two-week schedule is to make sure I am studying the proper amount, it also has time for me to take naps and relax.  It will sure make the difference in how I do for the very end of the semester. 

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