Saturday, August 31, 2013

Here's to Blogging! 1B

When looking through the blogs of some of my peers, I realized most of them were just as excited about college as me.  I feel like we all have a similar view on what college has to offer us over the next four years of our lives. We are on our own and are now finally coming to the realization of what that truly means. The responsibilities that we are faced with seem daunting to most, although I think that I may have a better understanding of what I am capable of.  Everyone seems to be excited for the new challenges but nervous to take the first step.  I am comforted in the fact that all these other people have the same fears and obstacles they’ll have to face as well. 
I noticed how everyone had the same topic to write about, but everyone interpreted it in his or her own way.  When I read others posts, I found that I really enjoyed reading the blogs that seemed really personal.  I’m not one to like reading, but when I feel like I get to know the author through their writing, I enjoy it.  I find that when I can relate to what’s being written about I have more of a drive to read it.
After reading others blogs, I noticed how my style of writing is different then others. No two have the same style of writing, which makes blogging so unique.  Some use more details while others use pictures and links to websites to give the full picture. For me, I found that when the blogs are split up into paragraphs and include pictures it’s much easier to read because the thoughts are more organized. Through reading others blogs, you also see the author’s personality come out.
I think checking each other’s blogs often will help us to become better writers ourselves.  When I see something that I like in someone else’s entry I might be able to incorporate the same strategy in my writing the next time.  Here’s to blogging!

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