Saturday, August 31, 2013

Vocabulary 1V

If you were to search the word “inquiry” up in the dictionary it would say something along the lines of seeking for the truth, knowledge or information.  As soon as I hear    inquiry, it reminds me of the word inquire. The word inquire means to learn by asking.  I think this word is an exact definition of what the required freshman class is trying to do.  The university wants there to be one adult figure for each student who anyone in that class can go ask if they need help or direction.  People learn by asking questions and this class is going to be all about surviving your first year through asking questions.

New Vocabulary:
Convocation:   a group of people coming together for an assembly. This word relates to my studies because there are times where it is required to attend certain assemblies so we all get the same message at the same time.  All during welcome weekend we were required to attend them.

Omnipresent:   present everywhere at the same time.This is one word that is used a lot in my media class. The book is always talking about how the persuasion is always in the media. It goes on to explain why ads persuade you the way they do.  This is a good word to know just because there are a lot of things that are always present at the same time. 

Where to Study?


I hate being all cooped up in my room all day just to study. I prefer being in other places where there are less distractions and quieter.  I haven’t found all the ins and outs of campus yet, but I found that the common room is a good place to sit and study or write a paper.  It’s usually pretty empty and when they are people in it they are super quiet, especially late at night.  The common room, that I have found to work for studying, is located on the second floor of Neff when you take a right off the elevator.  This is a good spot because it doesn’t have to be blue skies in order to study here like you would if the spot were to be outside.  I think this spot is a perfect place for me to study


Here's to Blogging! 1B

When looking through the blogs of some of my peers, I realized most of them were just as excited about college as me.  I feel like we all have a similar view on what college has to offer us over the next four years of our lives. We are on our own and are now finally coming to the realization of what that truly means. The responsibilities that we are faced with seem daunting to most, although I think that I may have a better understanding of what I am capable of.  Everyone seems to be excited for the new challenges but nervous to take the first step.  I am comforted in the fact that all these other people have the same fears and obstacles they’ll have to face as well. 
I noticed how everyone had the same topic to write about, but everyone interpreted it in his or her own way.  When I read others posts, I found that I really enjoyed reading the blogs that seemed really personal.  I’m not one to like reading, but when I feel like I get to know the author through their writing, I enjoy it.  I find that when I can relate to what’s being written about I have more of a drive to read it.
After reading others blogs, I noticed how my style of writing is different then others. No two have the same style of writing, which makes blogging so unique.  Some use more details while others use pictures and links to websites to give the full picture. For me, I found that when the blogs are split up into paragraphs and include pictures it’s much easier to read because the thoughts are more organized. Through reading others blogs, you also see the author’s personality come out.
I think checking each other’s blogs often will help us to become better writers ourselves.  When I see something that I like in someone else’s entry I might be able to incorporate the same strategy in my writing the next time.  Here’s to blogging!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

What is College?


If you were to look up what the word “college” means in the dictionary, it would say, “an educational institution or establishment (Webster Dictionary).” However, when I think of what college means, I think of growing into an adult, being independent, being responsible, making lifelong friends, all while focusing on getting that degree. 
            From the time I can remember, college was always in my future.  It wasn’t something I always felt like I wanted to do, but it was something that was just assumed that I would. Over the past year I have had a mix of emotions, happy, excited, anxious, sad, and frustrated.  As move in day became closer and closer, I sort of became numb.  My friends would ask me how I was feeling and I really wasn’t feeling anything.  Not happy, not sad, nothing.  As I loaded up the car, said goodbye to my three brothers and dogs, it all hit me; I was going to college.  The thing that is supposed to happen after high school, the thing that everyone seems to love so much, the thing that is necessary in order to get a good job, it was really here, college. 
As my parents and I got to lot 9, I suddenly felt like everything I worked hard for all throughout high school finally paid off.  I was officially a college freshman.  I moved all my stuff in realizing that these next four years will determine the rest of my life.  I said my last goodbyes and off I went with some friends from high school to explore the campus.  I knew my parents weren’t going to be here to tell me to come get dinner or to go to bed, but I was excited. 
With new friends, I feel like I already changed. I am ready to be responsible and independent.  The only thing I have to worry about here is doing what is right for me.  College is the change that I desperately needed.
