If you were to search the word “inquiry” up in the dictionary it would say something along the lines of seeking for the truth, knowledge or information. As soon as I hear inquiry, it reminds me of the word inquire. The word inquire means to learn by asking. I think this word is an exact definition of what the required freshman class is trying to do. The university wants there to be one adult figure for each student who anyone in that class can go ask if they need help or direction. People learn by asking questions and this class is going to be all about surviving your first year through asking questions.
New Vocabulary:
Convocation: a group of people coming together for an assembly. This word relates to my studies because there are times where it is required to attend certain assemblies so we all get the same message at the same time. All during welcome weekend we were required to attend them.
Omnipresent: present everywhere at the same time.This is one word that is used a lot in my media class. The book is always talking about how the persuasion is always in the media. It goes on to explain why ads persuade you the way they do. This is a good word to know just because there are a lot of things that are always present at the same time.